Mom has been continuing with the mildew cleanup on my insides. You'd think she would be done with that by now but when she did it before it hurt her neck and she couldn't do it for a while. Then this awesome summer weather happened but I get too hot inside when its 86* outside.
And Mom has a job.
And Mom likes to ride her bike. Actually Mom has lots of bikes and rides two of them a lot.
And she has that beast, Wifi, that needs attention.
This was my top earlier today.
This is my top now.
This is inside my lid, it was icky too.
But Mom spent a few minutes cleaning it for me.
This stuff LIES when it says it has a FRESH FLORAL SCENT. It really smells to high heaven.
But it is getting the icky mildew out of me so its OK to stink a little.
And these things smell GOOD!
Mom & Dad went on an adventure and brought these home.
Remember Jane? She made my guts?
Jane told Mom she would make me a new wrapper for my top so Mom & Dad went to the fabric store today and checked out new wrapper stuff for me. They didn't see any white wrapper stuff but they did see clear eye covers for my top eyes.
Like this one:
Someone else made this new wrapper for their Hunter Compact.
I guess it would be my cousin??