Friday, August 22, 2014


Dad got one of my new boards all fiberglassed in.
That makes me a very happy camper.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Dad has been working on my seat benches, getting rid of some dry rot and replacing with some fresh wood.
He used a cutter thingy to tickle the heck out of me,
I was giggling and giggling!
He made Mom hold my vinyl and she was scared he was going to cut her fingers off.

There was icky smells in the air and stuff flying all over.
There, that nasty stuff is out of me, finally.
The black pipe goes from my water intake to my storage tank.
They are pretty dirty from me sitting around for so long so Dad needs to take it out and clean it.
Mom took my guts out again
and sprayed them with Scotchgard to help keep them clean.

Then she took them into the cave and gave them to Mus Tang!
He's already got nice guts, why does he get mine too?

But Mom said its so that Dad doesn't get that icky fiberglass stuff on them.

Dad is so silly sometimes!

Friday, August 15, 2014

My Guts Are Here!

They're here, they're here!
My guts have been finished and they are finally here.
Me & Mom have been waiting patiently for today.
This is Jane, she made them for me.

This is Sarah and she approves of them!

Here is Mom, she's a happy camper.

Here is a visitor I had today while waiting for my guts to get here.
Her name is Rosie.

And her husband, RobRoy.
He makes a lot of noise so when Mom & Dad take me on an adventure
I hope they leave him at home so we can sleep in.

Last week when Mom was out at the lake, Windy gave her this darling little pin.
Mom LOVES it.

She loves it so much that she got a tee shirt that says the same thing!!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wrapper Work

I watched Mom giving my wrapper a bath in the afternoon sunshine today. It was awful dirty and it took her a long time to get it clean; I know its not all going to be spotless but it sure looks a lot nicer now.
Mom was talking to Dad about my up eyes, they need new lids. Mom said she will glue on new screen and maybe use magnets for the plastic eye lids.
I wonder how that would work.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Mom has been gathering stuff for inside me.
She got me a big red comforter to wrap us all up in
and a rug to keep my floor warm,

 silver plastic ware that looks like the real thing,  
 cutesy kitchen towels 
and bowls.
There are teensy pans and a tiny teapot.
Mom has to keep it all small, you see. So it doesn't look too big for me.
Ha, I rhymed!
There are solar lights to show me the way and lamps to keep us together.
Mom still wants to do lots more shopping for me and she wants to do more of it at Ikea.
That store is so much fun!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Back Eyes

Dad worked on my back eyes and they are bright & shiny now. Here's what he did.
These are what I had all my life.
The new back eyes are LED. Dad wanted to make them fit me, not ADD them to me.
So he took them apart.

He took their eye lids off and took out their guts.

After grinding some extra stuff off them he said they were good.

This is that my guts used to look like.

And my eye lids; they were old and hazy.

Dad buffed them all up shiny!

Then he used this sticky stuff to put my new eye guts in the old eye lids.

LOOK, aren't they nice and brilliant now?!?!

Dad shined up these ones too, can you see a difference here between the left and right?

They area all bright and shiny now but without the blue car hooking up to me Mom can't get a picture. Dang.
In other news, Jane sent Mom a message, she's working on my guts and it all seems to be going well. No pictures yet.