Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Big Brother

This is my big brother

His name is TRAILS WEST.
Instead of letting people sleep and eat in him, he carries big beasts around inside him.
He can take 4 at a time.
He is WAY bigger than I am.
T.W.'s floor is wooden, like mine, but he has rubber mats over his wood.
Mom took one out to see how he was doing underneath &
she said he had rotten floors (like I have rotten seats).
So Dad checked him out really good. Yup, rot.
Dad took almost all of his floor out.
Dad had to do some SAND BLASTIN'
Look at him now, all nice strong floor boards, new metal & paint and all cleaned inside. Well, his floors, anyway.
Mom took T.W. and a couple of those beasts out on the open road today.
I didn't get to go.
Mom said he is nice and sturdy with no sag or bouncy.
But the jokes on T.W. !!!
Those beasts POOPED on his new floor!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

More Cleaning Today

Mom came inside and did some more scrubbing on my insides today. She was inside for about an hour and did the front left corner and the wall below the window. She said shes bout half finished now.

Can you see ANY difference between the left & right sides of this photo? The right side has been cleaned.

Mom said there's got to be an easier way...

Shes been using a spray cleaner, sponge & toof brush.

Mom did say I don't smell as bad but I'm still stinky. She has that new heater inside me that keeps me warm & is drying me out so the mildew doesn't come back.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I Have Dry Rot

Mom didn't clean inside me at all today but she did straighten up a bit and took more pictures.
This is under one of the seats, DRY ROT. Ugh!

She said its not a big deal because it gives her a reason to replace this original stuff with custom cabinets.
Look, my water storage tank.
This is the other side & its rotted too. I bet my floor is too.
She found a plug but on my outside I have a note that says not for 110. So what would it be for?
Mom is now researching everything she can online about getting me new parts. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

I stink a little less

Mom said I stink so she got me wet inside with stinkier stuff that's supposed to make me smell better.

 I have 'MILDEW' in me.
Its all over all my vinyl walls and ceiling and that's what Mom has been getting wet.
Can you see the dark stuff on my insides? That's the mildew. Mom says its nasty and I can't have it any more.

Then she started giving me a bath with the smelly stuff and warm water. She had to use the rough side of the wiper thingy & then she got out a toof brush. She told Dad that she had to scrub every line of my stitching, both directions and all the little squares. 

This is one part that wasn't very bad, she had already washed me with the warm water.

Then she used the toof brush and made me less smelly.
She doesn't like that I still have mildew but I don't have as much.

Dad made me my very own 4 inch drop receiver hitch, I'm so excited. This means we can hit the open road soon.
Or maybe not soon but it will be funner for all of us when we do go bye-bye.

This is the front top corner after Mom wiped it but hadn't scrubber me yet.

And here is the same corner after she used my toof brush and the green spongy thing on me. What a difference, huh?

Mom got me my very own heater too! Now I'm nice and warm inside but mostly it will help me dry out and help get rid of my mildew.
Is mildew like a bug? Do I have fleas? 

These are some of the tools Mom had to day. She kept getting more warm water so I didn't get chilled. See the sponge in the bucket? She used the scratchy side for the stubborn mildew.
And there's my toof brush!
While Mom is working on me she keeps the door closed with this bungie cord.
See my hole? Mom took my dead bolt out and got me a new one but the new one doesn't fit. My door wouldn't close.
So she had to take it back to the store and she couldn't find one that would work. Mom was sad. But I still had my old one and its working OK for now.
With the heater on inside me she is using the bungie cord still because my door won't shut. The 'lectric cord is in it.
So close!
If I could just grab on I could go for a ride!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

My New Home

Mom and Dad came to see me today and brought me home, yippee-ki-yay! 
Actually I didn't know what they were doing at first. They brought more wires for my pig tail and new back eyes and one of my new kicks was flat.
Dad had a bucket of thingys and started tickling my hind end.

Then I had new back eyes on!

They talked about 'dapters and counted 3. I felt kind of wobbly.

It took a long time to get all of my new parts going right, that new pig tail has another one with it now. Its hooked up to my new back eyes and to my new friend, Blue Escape.
But when Dad started driving down the road I was scared so I bucked and kicked and bobbed from side to side. He stopped at a store and got 2 big bags of some smelly stuff for dogs and put it inside me but I still bucked so he stopped at another store and got 4 boxes of water and put it inside me too. Then it was a lot harder to buck so I about quit doing it.
We went a long ways down the road and stopped at Jean and Terrys place for dinner but they didn't feed me anything. Hmph!
And those smelly dogs got icky nose marks and slobber on my outsides. YUK.
Finally we got to my new home. It's dark out so I don't know what it looks like and I don't know where I'll be parked. Mom & Dad were talking and said 'garage beside Mustang' and 'carport' but I don't know what those things are. I guess I'll find out sooner or later.
Mom did go inside me & lifted up my pop up for the first time, it felt good to stretch but I was all stiff and didn't want to go all the way up. It's going to take some practice.