Friday, October 4, 2013

My New Home

Mom and Dad came to see me today and brought me home, yippee-ki-yay! 
Actually I didn't know what they were doing at first. They brought more wires for my pig tail and new back eyes and one of my new kicks was flat.
Dad had a bucket of thingys and started tickling my hind end.

Then I had new back eyes on!

They talked about 'dapters and counted 3. I felt kind of wobbly.

It took a long time to get all of my new parts going right, that new pig tail has another one with it now. Its hooked up to my new back eyes and to my new friend, Blue Escape.
But when Dad started driving down the road I was scared so I bucked and kicked and bobbed from side to side. He stopped at a store and got 2 big bags of some smelly stuff for dogs and put it inside me but I still bucked so he stopped at another store and got 4 boxes of water and put it inside me too. Then it was a lot harder to buck so I about quit doing it.
We went a long ways down the road and stopped at Jean and Terrys place for dinner but they didn't feed me anything. Hmph!
And those smelly dogs got icky nose marks and slobber on my outsides. YUK.
Finally we got to my new home. It's dark out so I don't know what it looks like and I don't know where I'll be parked. Mom & Dad were talking and said 'garage beside Mustang' and 'carport' but I don't know what those things are. I guess I'll find out sooner or later.
Mom did go inside me & lifted up my pop up for the first time, it felt good to stretch but I was all stiff and didn't want to go all the way up. It's going to take some practice.

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