They worked on my red eyes for a long time. Sometimes they lit up and sometimes they didn't or they were on backwards.
But Grandpa Don gave me new black on my tongue so part of me is shiny and that makes me happy. He gave me a bottle too.
Dad put the new pigtail on me but I don't know why its called a pigtail, I'M NOT A PIG! I don't look anything like a pig.
While Dad had my kicks off he got a look at my belly. I'm pretty simple, really.
He said if he wants to, he can just unbolt a few bolts and take my bottom off.
I like my bottom on.
Here's Dad and my pig tail.
It doesn't look like this...
Does it? Ok, maybe a little.
Anyway, the point is, I can't come home until Dad gets my eyes fixed so I'll sit at Grandpa Dons for a while.
Mom says I will have a garage to live in at home. With a Mustang. I'm wondering what a Mustang is?